A Smart Man Wouldn’t Have Thought of That

A Smart Man Wouldn’t Have Thought of That

A Smart Man Wouldn’t Have Thought of That

By Michael Peikoff

A SMART Man Wouldn’t Have Thought of That! is a curated collection of treasured quips and “knee slappers,” called “Elliotism’s,” named for the author’s beloved father, Elliot, affectionately referred to by the author as the world’s greatest salesman. Elliot started out selling asphalt paving door-to-door and morphed into a manufacturer’s representative in consumer electronics. Along the way, he displayed the innate ability to not only succeed in business but affect people along the way. His son watched him interact with customers, who often would break out in laughter and then “pull out the pen” to write the treasured purchase order. A master salesman and an even greater person, Elliot provides an example to all readers about how humor and a smile can help overcome just about any obstacle or hardship. The many witticisms in the book will entertain and resonate with readers, making them reflect and laugh at the same time.

Available in Print ($12.95)

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