Licensing Tales

Licensing Tales
Kent Press’ Licensing Tales, edited by licensing industry veteran, Greg Battersby, is a collection of interesting and captivating stories about the licensing industry by some of the industry’s most knowledgeable and recognizable names, including Dan Romanelli of Warner Bros., Carole Francesca of Broad Street Licensing, Carole Postal of COP Licensing, Dell Furano of Epic Rights, Danny Simon of The Licensing Group, Allan Feldman of LMCA, Francesca Ash of Total Licensing and industry veteran, Steve Herman. If that sounds like a “Who’s Who of Licensing,” it’s because it is.
The book also includes some vintage interviews of licensing legends previously printed in the Merchandising Reporter, including interviews with Honest Ed Justin of Columbia Pictures and NBC Licensing, Jack Revoyr of UCLA, Les Borden of Columbia Pictures, Pete Smith of Disney, and Murray Altchuler, then of Licensing Corporation of America.
Some of the more interesting stories included are the development of the TICKLE ME ELMO doll by Tyco Preschool with a Sesame Street license, how SPACE JAM became a licensing phenomenon, the CABBAGE PATCH story, how Mike Bowling created POUND PUPPIES while working on the production line at Ford Motor Company, and how the TURTLES were created by Mirage Studios.
The book covers all phases of licensing, including stories about the initial license between Microsoft and IBM for the DOS operating system, the origins of the STAR WARS and ROCKY motion pictures, and how such patented products as the tennis sock and Navy ejection hardware systems were licensed into their respective industries. Stories in the “League of Mutual Destruction” chapter include the BRATZ and WINNIE THE POOH wars and the WWE SmackDown of its two former licensing agents are included in a chapter entitled “Licensing Hall of Shame.”
It includes stories about how some industry legends first got involved in licensing, tales from Licensing Expo and other shows, and some especially curious audit findings. The book concludes with a collection of PEANUTS, GARFIELD, and ARCHIE comic strips that were directed to licensing and IP issues.
Explore Licensing Tales
- Tales of Imaginative Agents
- Who Would Have Thought?
- Successful Properties Coming out of Left Field
- The Ones that Got Away
- Stories from the Road and Licensing Expo
- Unique Licensed Products
- Auditing Trails
- Licensing Hall of Shame
- The League of Mutual Destruction
- Licensing Strands by Robert Strand
- The Lighter Side of Licensing
- Celebrity Jeopardy
- Cool Trademarks and Patents
- How I Got Started in Licensing
- Neat Inventions and Inventors
- Bits & Pieces